EAOM’s 16th biennial congress – London
Dear EAOM Members,
Welcome to EAOM’s 16th biennial congress, EAOM London 2023 on Friday 29th and Saturday 30th September at the Royal College of Physicians at Regent Park London.
The venue is less than 5-minutes’ walk from Regents Park Tube station and has a wide range of accommodation available within close proximity to the venue.
A 2.5-minute virtual tour may be viewed at
The RCP is the first and only royal college to achieve The Carbon Trust Standard certification of an organisation’s achievements in reducing environmental impact. RCP also holds the ISO 14001 certification for environmental best practice.
A Congress website is currently being built and will be available to view shortly including the programme, abstracts, registration (in-person and online) and regular updates.
The London 2023 Organising Committee looks forward to welcoming you to EAOM London 2023
Please do not hesitate to contact the Congress Secretary, Josephine Carr, if you have any questions, admin@eaom.co or josephinecarr@icloud.com.
Yours sincerely
Michael Escudier
EAOM President
Chairman EAOM London 2023 Organising Committee
The Congress website www.EAOMLondon2023.com will be available at the end of February.
The Congress Twitter account is @ELondon2023